Friday, November 26, 2010


In Thanksgiving for

~ Being ALIVE at this time, in this place
~ my precious heart’s longing to beat as ONE rhythm in Peace with ALL that IS
~ my sacred vision allowing me to gaze into the eternity of Your soul
~ my primary relationship that feeds my heart and allows me to BE
~ two daughters vibrant, ALIVE and Loving
~ all the four-legged Ones, 'specially my little buddy Buddha
~ the gift of hearing Your heartfelt yearnings, the divinity of Your voice
~ the gift of communication - of the heart - of the word - of the song
~ each relationship past and the gifts I have received by knowing You
~ Mother Earth and her bountiful generosity
~ the humbling grace of each days dawning, ripe with passion and creative juice
~ the empowering light of LOVE expanding now my limitless heart
~ gentle winds whispering hidden wisdoms
~ the twinkle of stars in the night-time sky that speak in ions of time passed
~ the shining through clouds of an inspirational moon, drawing me out to dance my dreams
~ the joy of touch, the blessing of sensual bliss, the delight of conjugal dream-weaving
~ the venerable breath that feeds my every cell
~ compassion in all of its manifestation
~ tears of all kinds that cleanse my Being and offer renewal
~ dreams of intuitive wonder, visions of Peace, Prosperity, Love and Laughter

definitely more to follow...

~ new friends and old, young friends and older, and friends to come...
~ my FB family and friends... Your truth delights my heart... Namaste ♥

~ Yeshe ma

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