Monday, November 29, 2010

Living Joy Poetry by Yeshe ma "Waking In Love"

Waking in love...

I wake wanting you near me
Wanting to roll close to you
To smell your morning scent

I lay here and remember
the snapshot of your love
coming into me, penetrating me

I reach down and hold myself
loving me for loving you
for risking... for leaping...

I caress the breast
that holds my open heart
and bless the pulse that breathes me

I hold me in a tender embrace
feeling the heat of your desires
build a fire in my soul

My hands amazed
by the softness of my spirit body
opening to itself

Like a flame that guides me
I feel the layers of lifetimes
creating this temple

The visions ignite the Passion within me
and my hand is spirited
to the gateway of limitlessness

I stop - just to breathe to know,
to trust, that this is me
that I am limitless - that there are no walls

And I pulse, and my body meets my hand
as it moves me
and I flow... I flow

And the visions play symphonies of love
in my soul and
I dance my heart waves

Me loving me loving you
is pure grace
There is no separation <span>

Yeshe ma
December 10, 2001

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