Monday, November 29, 2010

Quotes from Others ~ from The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying

"What I felt slowly were a very heightened sense of love, the ability to communicate love, the ability to find joy and pleasures in the smallest and most insignificant things about me... I developed a great compassion for people that were ill and facing death and I wanted so much to let them know, to somehow make them aware that the dying process was nothing more than an extension of One's life."

Margot Grey
researcher in near-death experience
excerpt from The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying
by Sogyal Rinpoche

Poetry I Like by Ym

To love another takes courage,

To love at all is to be vulnerable....

But always remember,

You never lose by loving,
You lose by holding back.


Notes to Myself by Yeshe ma

shared with love by Ym

I believe Divinity is our nature.
I walk tall in the beauty of my Truth.
I Dance freely in my body's rhythm.
I Sing out in praise of the Unity in the ONE.
I Speak words of Love to those I meet.
I allow compassion to fill me up.
I look for Peace in the heart of my brothers and sisters.
And, I Shine my Inner Light to guide me on my path.
image by Gill

Living Joy Poetry by Yeshe ma "Waking In Love"

Waking in love...

I wake wanting you near me
Wanting to roll close to you
To smell your morning scent

I lay here and remember
the snapshot of your love
coming into me, penetrating me

I reach down and hold myself
loving me for loving you
for risking... for leaping...

I caress the breast
that holds my open heart
and bless the pulse that breathes me

I hold me in a tender embrace
feeling the heat of your desires
build a fire in my soul

My hands amazed
by the softness of my spirit body
opening to itself

Like a flame that guides me
I feel the layers of lifetimes
creating this temple

The visions ignite the Passion within me
and my hand is spirited
to the gateway of limitlessness

I stop - just to breathe to know,
to trust, that this is me
that I am limitless - that there are no walls

And I pulse, and my body meets my hand
as it moves me
and I flow... I flow

And the visions play symphonies of love
in my soul and
I dance my heart waves

Me loving me loving you
is pure grace
There is no separation <span>

Yeshe ma
December 10, 2001

Living Joy Poetry by Yeshe ma "Night Sky"

Night Sky

Grand Sky of Night
New Moon in Sight
Inspirational Light
Dancing in Divine Delight

Swaying Deeply
Open Heart Burns
Radiant Truth
Electric Flame

Body Sacred ~ Temple High
Rising Up ~ Light Like Air
Dance My Prayer

Simple Wisdom
Creating Peace
I Ache to be Near
Closer to You

Speaking Truth
You Pull Me Close
Inside Your Heart

Diving Deep
Vision ~ Hand in Hand
Blossoming New
Heart in Heart

Reaching Eternal
One Star Shining
Blending Visions
Holding Peace

Singing Out
Divinity Calls
Transmitting Awe
Wonderful ONE!

Grand Sky of Night
Bless New Moon in Sight
Inspire Light
Divine Delight

Arms Outstretched
Reaching Grace
Fulfilling Dreams

~Yeshe ma
08 October 2010

Quotes from Others ~ Scientific Statement of Being

"There is no life,truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter. All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all. Spirit is immortal Truth; matter is mortal error. Spirit is the real and eternal; matter is the unreal and temporal. Spirit is God, and man is His image and likeness. Therefore man is not material; he is spiritual."

~Mary Baker Eddy
Scientific Statement of Being
Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures


"Yeshe is a vital, alive human being who brings her heart and integrity to everything she gets involved in. She passionately pursues Life and squeezes the juice out of every opportunity the Universe presents to her for growth. Yeshe has deeply affected many peoples' lives with her love and her intuitive knowing." - Peter Rengel, Facilitator, Human Awareness Institute

"Yeshe is a passionate Goddess, a caring mother, a loving friend, and a compassionate healer. She has a HUGE heart. She has inspired many people with her commitment and courage to live life to the fullest." - LiOr Jacob, Founder, PASSION University

"Yeshe is the most committed person for being a stand for love that I have yet met in my 55 years on this planet. She is an inspiration for me to keep my heart open and to look at every situation in my life as an opportunity to be more loving and let more love in." - Walter Shelburne, Ph.D.

"Yeshe is a truly gifted healer with a profound ability to invoke spirit and heart and ground it in present everyday life. I am blessed to have known her for over 1O years and witnessed her growth which she so willingly faces." - Claire de Andrade, Psy.D., San Francisco CA

"Yeshe was instrumental in healing a trust issue between myself and a former lover/current friend. Yeshe's loving, gentle, unobtrusive presence during our sharing truths from the heart and making deep connections powerfully moved our relationship to new depths. I highly recommend Yeshe as a healer who you can trust to bare your greatest insecurities -- and receive unconditional love. A "true healer" to me means a person who creates an environment for the client to heal him/herself." - Carol P.

Friday, November 26, 2010


In Thanksgiving for

~ Being ALIVE at this time, in this place
~ my precious heart’s longing to beat as ONE rhythm in Peace with ALL that IS
~ my sacred vision allowing me to gaze into the eternity of Your soul
~ my primary relationship that feeds my heart and allows me to BE
~ two daughters vibrant, ALIVE and Loving
~ all the four-legged Ones, 'specially my little buddy Buddha
~ the gift of hearing Your heartfelt yearnings, the divinity of Your voice
~ the gift of communication - of the heart - of the word - of the song
~ each relationship past and the gifts I have received by knowing You
~ Mother Earth and her bountiful generosity
~ the humbling grace of each days dawning, ripe with passion and creative juice
~ the empowering light of LOVE expanding now my limitless heart
~ gentle winds whispering hidden wisdoms
~ the twinkle of stars in the night-time sky that speak in ions of time passed
~ the shining through clouds of an inspirational moon, drawing me out to dance my dreams
~ the joy of touch, the blessing of sensual bliss, the delight of conjugal dream-weaving
~ the venerable breath that feeds my every cell
~ compassion in all of its manifestation
~ tears of all kinds that cleanse my Being and offer renewal
~ dreams of intuitive wonder, visions of Peace, Prosperity, Love and Laughter

definitely more to follow...

~ new friends and old, young friends and older, and friends to come...
~ my FB family and friends... Your truth delights my heart... Namaste ♥

~ Yeshe ma


My mission is to facilitate the empowerment of others in the realization of their highest purpose and the creation of their dreams.

I do this through communion with my own highest self .

I live being mindful that the goal of enlightenment comes to me through my work to end suffering for all sentient beings.

I see the teaching of each encounter and generously share my presence with those who seek it.

I facilitate healing among the genders.

I celebrate my life in integrity, compassion, joy, presence, grace, ease, innocence, passion, humility, awe, health, intention, dedication, mindfulness, self trust, ritual, wisdom and unconditional love.

I see the divine in each moment.

I remember that grace is effortless.

I speak my truth, I listen, I love.

~Yeshe  ma~
April 8, 2002