Monday, December 6, 2010

Dreaming in Light

Dreaming in Light

"In my dream we were ALL holding hands, each and every ONE of us joining hands with the other...  and we ALL began to float...  into the skies we floated higher and higher... we were transparent and our hearts shined like diamonds... and then WE as ONE huge circle began to fly...  dipping and diving, floating and gliding, soaring as ONE... as any ONE of us would tire, and feel we were going to fall... the group as ONE would scoop us up and in to the healing arms of the whole...  where we would carry the tired until they felt ready to soar again...  when the tired were revived she/he would reach out and the circle of ONE would open and grasp the out-stretched hands...  In this way we were capable of going anywhere...  In this way we were stronger than any other...  In this way WE ALL reached the heavens...  In this way we gave light to the Universe...  "

Yeshe ma
December 6, 2010

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