Saturday, February 19, 2011

Soulful Sexuality FREE Mini Classes

I am feeling so excited about the opportunity to share this information with you.  I thought I would introduce some mini-classes on Soulful Sexuality...  Ways to enter into all the richness your body, mind and spirit offer.  We'll talk about breathing, technique, energy exchange and communicating.  We'll join together in manifesting our dreams through exercises designed to open our energy centers to all  Bliss; our relationships to newer levels of sharing Love and Intimacy; and, our spirits to the presence which makes us all One and generates all manifestation. 
Yeshe ma
"The Lotus-flower, the sex organ of the woman, is an ocean filled with Bliss. This Lotus-flower is also the empty space where the Impulse to Enlightenment rises up. When the Scepter - the male organ - unites with it, their mixture is like the Elixir arising from the combination of nutmeg and myrrh. From their union a Pure Knowledge arises, which illuminates the nature of all things." 
Kalachakra Tantra

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