Saturday, February 19, 2011
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Notes to Myself by Yeshe ma ~ February 15, 2011
See your God in the eyes of all you meet.
Forgive yourself~forgive others.
Give thanks.
Know that you are perfect.
Dream BIG and create miracles.
See the world with the eyes of innocence.
Believe in yourself.
Speak your TRUTH.
Act with Kindness.
Think positive thoughts.
You are connected to ALL.
You are ONE of ONE of ONE.
You are pure LOVE.
You are nothing else.
Celebrate your life~LIVE.
~with great LOVE
~Yeshe ma
Thursday, February 3, 2011
What is in the news...
I read the paper in the morning. Long time habit that just does not work for me on the internet. I like turning the pages, fighting with the folds and forgetting where I laid the last section I was reading... I am wondering though if it is feeding me, my soul... The news is usually bad and sometimes it is downright depressing.
What hits me hardest is how many people regard the lives of our children, the disabled, and the elderly with such blatant disregard as to take the lives, the money and the health of those so literally incapable of protecting themselves. I speak in terms of OUR because they ARE our responsibility - as people, as a nation and as members of the human race. What has happened to US as people? What makes it so easy to take the life or money or well-being of those weaker than us?
My heart aches as I read the tragedy of a mother shooting and killing her two teenage children or a father who with a hardened fist knocks his one year old child into a wall causing a skull fracture and broken bones. Then there are people in powerful positions who fill their pockets as they watch a society of baby-boomers reaching retirement find that they have nothing to support themselves in their “golden years”. There are the disabled who struggle to stay alive every day after losing their home, their money, and their dignity to illness.
Each time we as people decide to ignore what is happening in the world around us, turn a cold shoulder, close our eyes so as not to be bothered, we add to the pain, suffering and even death of not only the weakest of us but of our selves. We are all linked together in this expansive universe and what causes pain to one of us will eventually in some form cause pain to us all.
I often wonder if in every day we took the time to be kind, to reach out a hand to another in need and to give just a little of our selves how this world or our little part of it would change. My belief is that the energy of our existence would ripple out exponentially on this planet and would begin to snowball in a positive way. I believe that if we asked one another “Is there anything I can do for you today?” instead of believing that someone might take something from us - our daily lives would become richer and fuller.
I continue to work for and believe in us, in all our humanness. I look very forward to the day when I fix my cup of coffee, pick up the paper and find it plastered with the energy of kindness and compassion and stories of the good people have done for one another in the last 24 hours. It is not only possible but it is a certainty that we can change the world one good deed at a time.
photo borrowed from friends under the FAIR USE ACT
What hits me hardest is how many people regard the lives of our children, the disabled, and the elderly with such blatant disregard as to take the lives, the money and the health of those so literally incapable of protecting themselves. I speak in terms of OUR because they ARE our responsibility - as people, as a nation and as members of the human race. What has happened to US as people? What makes it so easy to take the life or money or well-being of those weaker than us?
My heart aches as I read the tragedy of a mother shooting and killing her two teenage children or a father who with a hardened fist knocks his one year old child into a wall causing a skull fracture and broken bones. Then there are people in powerful positions who fill their pockets as they watch a society of baby-boomers reaching retirement find that they have nothing to support themselves in their “golden years”. There are the disabled who struggle to stay alive every day after losing their home, their money, and their dignity to illness.
Each time we as people decide to ignore what is happening in the world around us, turn a cold shoulder, close our eyes so as not to be bothered, we add to the pain, suffering and even death of not only the weakest of us but of our selves. We are all linked together in this expansive universe and what causes pain to one of us will eventually in some form cause pain to us all.
I often wonder if in every day we took the time to be kind, to reach out a hand to another in need and to give just a little of our selves how this world or our little part of it would change. My belief is that the energy of our existence would ripple out exponentially on this planet and would begin to snowball in a positive way. I believe that if we asked one another “Is there anything I can do for you today?” instead of believing that someone might take something from us - our daily lives would become richer and fuller.
I continue to work for and believe in us, in all our humanness. I look very forward to the day when I fix my cup of coffee, pick up the paper and find it plastered with the energy of kindness and compassion and stories of the good people have done for one another in the last 24 hours. It is not only possible but it is a certainty that we can change the world one good deed at a time.
photo borrowed from friends under the FAIR USE ACT
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
"The Wisdom of the Heart" poetry by Ym
Artist Karen Gillis Taylor |
Wisdom of the Heart
I believe in the wisdom of my heart.
When I listen to the voice within ~
the wisdom of my heart...
I hear the whisper of love
and the song that begs me to dance.
I hear the cry that calls me to compassion
and the moan that is humanity's pain.
When I listen to the voice within ~
the wisdom of my heart...
I hear the laughter of child-like innocence
and the hum that breathes as peace within.
I hear the growl as it warns of discontent
and the roar that is the strength in my life.
When I listen to the voice within ~
the wisdom of my heart...
I hear the whimper that says "I am hungry"
and the twitter that lights me with excitement.
I hear the yawn that says "I am tired"
and the screams that release my anguish.
When I listen to the voice within ~
the wisdom of my heart...
I hear the sigh that reflects the cleansing breath
and the "ahhhh" a hymn that is my Beloved's embrace.
I hear the OM that vibrates ONENESS
and the silence that graces my connection to ALL.
I listen to my heart ~ in all its many voices.
What I want to know I trust to find there.
ALL answers lie within.
Yeshe ma
January 26, 2011
images borrowed from awesomely talented friends
Friday, January 21, 2011
The Early Days by Ym
So many times I spend precious moments of my life “thinking too much”. There is a need in me to be of service in the world and at the same time I have spent much of my life looking for the goodness and the gift that chronic illness and waiting and wanting to have the energy to do “BIGGER and BETTER” fits in all of this.
I was born, what some people might call, a “ sensitive”. I cannot remember a time when I did not want to do all I could to ease the suffering of those around me. I do not recall a time that my heart did not ache for any person or animal that was hurt or in need. I continually brought home strays and spent my time helping them to grow better, to give them the love I knew everyone Being deserved. As I grew older, I did the same for people - often times giving a home to the homeless until they could move on - or being the safe house for teens when my daughters were young - or inviting the s to spend their last days on this earth in my home - or adopting those pets that were sure to meet an undesirable end. I continually reached out to give and to Be the very thing I ached for most in my life... Love.
In retrospect I was bright, beautiful, loving, creative, intelligent and amazing and I lived with a cloud over me that poured down the belief “I am not enough”. I spent hours climbing trees with my faithful pets waiting below as I sat and relished the calm quiet and connectedness I felt when I was there all but invisible and able to view the world. I dreamed of having and Being a source of connectedness to all those who were sad, hungry, tired, hurt and in need. I built sacred sanctuaries in my mind - “healing sanctuaries”. My heart could hold them all. I knew it. This began my journey. I was 7 when I made a conscious decision to serve humankind in the best ways I could. The path from there was filled with enormous down-falls, illnesses, addictions, violence, abuse and instances where death or continuing to live was the choice and when death would certainly have been the easier road. This journey has also been filled with opportunity, wisdom, faith, hope, light, beauty, divinity and laughter. The sojourn I call my life was a continual desire to know that “I was finally enough”. Each and every step has been an education in learning to LOVE myself in the same way I was capable of LOVE’ing others...
My family of origin was fertile ground for learning... I was a surprise in my parents life. Born when my mother was 44, my siblings were much older than me. My sister over 20 years older and the brothers in-between 10, 15 and 18 years older. My parents were tired and although I know I was loved very much, life was not easy. My father had developed quite an addiction to alcohol. He was angry, aggressive, sick and depressed. I was frightened of him and worked to find places of solitude where I didn’t have to dodge physical assault. Places where I didn’t have to wonder if the man who made me stop making noise of any kind after 5 in the evening would make it through dinner without choking on his food or crying through the entire meal. My siblings had a relationship with their father that was filled with memories of the good ole days - when there was money and laughter and good times. It was difficult for them to understand my fear, my pain, or my sorrow... I came along with a heart and a disposition and a desire for LOVE and freedom that was not fathomable in their lives.
I never look at my past as something that held me back. In fact, every hard hit was an opportunity to come out the other side knowing myself and the way I operate more fully and finding a deeper love and forgiveness for myself and all those things I wasn’t able to accomplish at the time I was attempting to stay alive...
(to be continued...)
photos borrowed from friends under the FAIR USE ACT
I was born, what some people might call, a “ sensitive”. I cannot remember a time when I did not want to do all I could to ease the suffering of those around me. I do not recall a time that my heart did not ache for any person or animal that was hurt or in need. I continually brought home strays and spent my time helping them to grow better, to give them the love I knew everyone Being deserved. As I grew older, I did the same for people - often times giving a home to the homeless until they could move on - or being the safe house for teens when my daughters were young - or inviting the s to spend their last days on this earth in my home - or adopting those pets that were sure to meet an undesirable end. I continually reached out to give and to Be the very thing I ached for most in my life... Love.
In retrospect I was bright, beautiful, loving, creative, intelligent and amazing and I lived with a cloud over me that poured down the belief “I am not enough”. I spent hours climbing trees with my faithful pets waiting below as I sat and relished the calm quiet and connectedness I felt when I was there all but invisible and able to view the world. I dreamed of having and Being a source of connectedness to all those who were sad, hungry, tired, hurt and in need. I built sacred sanctuaries in my mind - “healing sanctuaries”. My heart could hold them all. I knew it. This began my journey. I was 7 when I made a conscious decision to serve humankind in the best ways I could. The path from there was filled with enormous down-falls, illnesses, addictions, violence, abuse and instances where death or continuing to live was the choice and when death would certainly have been the easier road. This journey has also been filled with opportunity, wisdom, faith, hope, light, beauty, divinity and laughter. The sojourn I call my life was a continual desire to know that “I was finally enough”. Each and every step has been an education in learning to LOVE myself in the same way I was capable of LOVE’ing others...
My family of origin was fertile ground for learning... I was a surprise in my parents life. Born when my mother was 44, my siblings were much older than me. My sister over 20 years older and the brothers in-between 10, 15 and 18 years older. My parents were tired and although I know I was loved very much, life was not easy. My father had developed quite an addiction to alcohol. He was angry, aggressive, sick and depressed. I was frightened of him and worked to find places of solitude where I didn’t have to dodge physical assault. Places where I didn’t have to wonder if the man who made me stop making noise of any kind after 5 in the evening would make it through dinner without choking on his food or crying through the entire meal. My siblings had a relationship with their father that was filled with memories of the good ole days - when there was money and laughter and good times. It was difficult for them to understand my fear, my pain, or my sorrow... I came along with a heart and a disposition and a desire for LOVE and freedom that was not fathomable in their lives.
I never look at my past as something that held me back. In fact, every hard hit was an opportunity to come out the other side knowing myself and the way I operate more fully and finding a deeper love and forgiveness for myself and all those things I wasn’t able to accomplish at the time I was attempting to stay alive...
(to be continued...)
photos borrowed from friends under the FAIR USE ACT
Monday, January 17, 2011
Article from "Tantra Spirituality"
This article complete with some great links was taken from the FB Notes of the page Tantra Spirituality... I just really like what they do...
"In truth everything in life is about that dance. When the rain goes onto the parched earth, that's tantra in a sense, that's creation, that's merging. When the wind blows through trees, that's merging. Everything in life is always dancing with the polarities, with the interchangeable energies. And so expanding your un...derstanding of sex beyond the body can open up a world where you're truly living in a very ecstatic state. And then you just become a dancer in that dance. And it doesn't even matter how it turns out, it's the joy of dancing that allows your heart to celebrate every day."
This is the Tantra definition of our sexuality:
The return to absolute innocence, absolute oneness
Together by sharing these words We Can Make a Difference some-where some-how to Some-one
This is the FB Censored version
To save FB the embarrassment we have put the open minded version here
A human being is part of a whole, called by us the 'Universe,' a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest--a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circles of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty." -- Albert Einstein
Together We Can Make a Difference ... We can Share
Tantra simply "the celebration of life in the present moment"
What is this sex energy? Why is it such a powerful disturbance in our lives? Why does it pervade our entire beings? Why do our lives revolve around it, even to the end? What is the source of this urge?...
We are beings of pleasure. Yet, we live in a sex-and-pleasure-negative culture. Most of us are very fragmented and wounded around sexuality. We often have a very limited experience which leaves us feeling deeply unsatisfied. We know that there has to be more to sex and we want more
Spiritual Sex is closely related to spirituality in several ways. In its negative aspects of lust, degradation and rape, it appears as the antithesis of spirituality, However, in its positive aspects our sexuality can open our heart to love,repair sexual traumas,enable us to have experiences similar to meditative states... and mystical bliss,,,and most importantly,,complete unity with our partners or ourselves
The Tantra attitude about sex is that sex is not a need. It is a cosmic experience, it is an experience of meditation. It is an instinctual return to our ultimate reality, one of the highest forms of meditation. Man and woman had their first luminous glimpse of Unity during the experience of intercourse.
Only in the moments of coitus did man realize that it was possible to feel such profound love, to experience such illuminating bliss. that in the moments of climax the mind becomes empty of thoughts. All thoughts drain out at that moment. And this emptiness of mind, this void, this vacuum, this freezing of the mind, is the cause of the shower of divine joy.
This is the Tantra definition of our sexuality: The return to absolute innocence, absolute oneness
please go here and click ”like” this page,,, share the knowledge
Sex is also termed the small death In that single moment you don't know who you are. In that single moment you are pure energy vibrating, pulsating. With no center to it, with no "ego" in it.In that single moment of orgasmic space you lose all boundaries, separation. You become vast, huge. You are no more separate from the other. That's why there is so much joy -- although often the moment is very small
In a Tantra coitus you can remain for hours. That moment, once you know the art of remaining in it, can surround you twenty-four hours. Tantra transforms sex. It is a kind of melting with the woman or with the man, it is a kind of relaxation into each other's being. And it is meditative, because there is no ego, no thought stirs. And time stops. This is a glimpse of God/Unity. Tantra is the natural way to God, the normal way to "God". The object is to become so completely instinctual, so mindless, that we merge with ultimate nature -- that the woman disappears and becomes a door for the ultimate, the man disappears and becomes a door for the ultimate
Let go, step out of the prison of societies conditioning,,,
This is the FB Censored version
To save FB the embarrassment we have put the open minded version here
The difference in Normal Sex and tantric Sex
For those beginning their Tantric journey i you look here for Tantric Excersises
NakedNess plus the link to the uncensored version
Nakedness and Temples
The Awakening~~
Tantra does not split you¬e_id=151245701588495
Meeting a Tantric Partner
Excersises for Tantric/Sacred Love Making
Ask any questions
Together by sharing these words We Can Make a Difference some-where some-how to Some-one
Let Peace and Peace and Peace be Every Where
"In truth everything in life is about that dance. When the rain goes onto the parched earth, that's tantra in a sense, that's creation, that's merging. When the wind blows through trees, that's merging. Everything in life is always dancing with the polarities, with the interchangeable energies. And so expanding your un...derstanding of sex beyond the body can open up a world where you're truly living in a very ecstatic state. And then you just become a dancer in that dance. And it doesn't even matter how it turns out, it's the joy of dancing that allows your heart to celebrate every day."
This is the Tantra definition of our sexuality:
The return to absolute innocence, absolute oneness
Together by sharing these words We Can Make a Difference some-where some-how to Some-one
This is the FB Censored version
To save FB the embarrassment we have put the open minded version here
A human being is part of a whole, called by us the 'Universe,' a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest--a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circles of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty." -- Albert Einstein
Together We Can Make a Difference ... We can Share
Tantra simply "the celebration of life in the present moment"
What is this sex energy? Why is it such a powerful disturbance in our lives? Why does it pervade our entire beings? Why do our lives revolve around it, even to the end? What is the source of this urge?...
We are beings of pleasure. Yet, we live in a sex-and-pleasure-negative culture. Most of us are very fragmented and wounded around sexuality. We often have a very limited experience which leaves us feeling deeply unsatisfied. We know that there has to be more to sex and we want more
Spiritual Sex is closely related to spirituality in several ways. In its negative aspects of lust, degradation and rape, it appears as the antithesis of spirituality, However, in its positive aspects our sexuality can open our heart to love,repair sexual traumas,enable us to have experiences similar to meditative states... and mystical bliss,,,and most importantly,,complete unity with our partners or ourselves
The Tantra attitude about sex is that sex is not a need. It is a cosmic experience, it is an experience of meditation. It is an instinctual return to our ultimate reality, one of the highest forms of meditation. Man and woman had their first luminous glimpse of Unity during the experience of intercourse.
Only in the moments of coitus did man realize that it was possible to feel such profound love, to experience such illuminating bliss. that in the moments of climax the mind becomes empty of thoughts. All thoughts drain out at that moment. And this emptiness of mind, this void, this vacuum, this freezing of the mind, is the cause of the shower of divine joy.
This is the Tantra definition of our sexuality: The return to absolute innocence, absolute oneness
please go here and click ”like” this page,,, share the knowledge
Sex is also termed the small death In that single moment you don't know who you are. In that single moment you are pure energy vibrating, pulsating. With no center to it, with no "ego" in it.In that single moment of orgasmic space you lose all boundaries, separation. You become vast, huge. You are no more separate from the other. That's why there is so much joy -- although often the moment is very small
In a Tantra coitus you can remain for hours. That moment, once you know the art of remaining in it, can surround you twenty-four hours. Tantra transforms sex. It is a kind of melting with the woman or with the man, it is a kind of relaxation into each other's being. And it is meditative, because there is no ego, no thought stirs. And time stops. This is a glimpse of God/Unity. Tantra is the natural way to God, the normal way to "God". The object is to become so completely instinctual, so mindless, that we merge with ultimate nature -- that the woman disappears and becomes a door for the ultimate, the man disappears and becomes a door for the ultimate
Let go, step out of the prison of societies conditioning,,,
This is the FB Censored version
To save FB the embarrassment we have put the open minded version here
The difference in Normal Sex and tantric Sex
For those beginning their Tantric journey i you look here for Tantric Excersises
NakedNess plus the link to the uncensored version
Nakedness and Temples
The Awakening~~
Tantra does not split you¬e_id=151245701588495
Meeting a Tantric Partner
Excersises for Tantric/Sacred Love Making
Ask any questions
Together by sharing these words We Can Make a Difference some-where some-how to Some-one
Let Peace and Peace and Peace be Every Where
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Dance - Poetry by Ym
~~~~~~~~ Dance ~~~~~~~~
through waves of sound
Vibrate With the Beat -
Drink in the Rhythm
Feel your Heart - Alive
Twirl and Twirl and Twirl
and Stop...
and Breathe...
Divine Sweet Breath
Jump - Reach to the Stars
Scream and Leap and Cry
and Stop...
and Breathe...
Laugh Out Loud
Ache and Want and Desire
Shout Out in Rage
Touch Your Own Shadow
Shake and Spin and Sweat
Imagine and Create and Conceive
Your Are A Goddess!
Sing Out to the Universe
Femifest - Femisfest - Femifest
Sweat More - Get Wet - Get Hot
Explode in the Passion
Visualize, Believe, Trust
You Are An Angel -
This Is Your Life
Stop and Walk
and Listen to Your Heart
Breathe - Cherish the breath
It Nourishes You
Give Thanks
Treasure Your Pulse
Rest - Breathe - Renew
You Are Pure Love
~~Yeshe ma
August 2001
this image was borrowed from a fb friend...
through waves of sound
Vibrate With the Beat -
Drink in the Rhythm
Feel your Heart - Alive
Twirl and Twirl and Twirl
and Stop...
and Breathe...
Divine Sweet Breath
Jump - Reach to the Stars
Scream and Leap and Cry
and Stop...
and Breathe...
Laugh Out Loud
Ache and Want and Desire
Shout Out in Rage
Touch Your Own Shadow
Shake and Spin and Sweat
Imagine and Create and Conceive
Your Are A Goddess!
Sing Out to the Universe
Femifest - Femisfest - Femifest
Sweat More - Get Wet - Get Hot
Explode in the Passion
Visualize, Believe, Trust
You Are An Angel -
This Is Your Life
Stop and Walk
and Listen to Your Heart
Breathe - Cherish the breath
It Nourishes You
Give Thanks
Treasure Your Pulse
Rest - Breathe - Renew
You Are Pure Love
~~Yeshe ma
August 2001
this image was borrowed from a fb friend...
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
"Choice" an Affirmation...
I see the greatness in You...
I witness your beauty.
I support your dreams.
I hold You and them in my heart and prayers.
I choose ~
~ the Grace of Divinity
~ the Gentleness of Peace
~ Respect for my fellow Human BEings
~ to live each moment in Presence
~ to grow my Creativity
~ to live Life Ecstatic
~ to live in Health
~ to act in Kindness and with Compassion
~ to use Open Communication
~ the Dignity of Personal Responsibility
~ Freedom
~ the Truth of my Soul
I choose the delight of LOVE over fear...
I Give Thanks for the option to Choose!!!
I bow deeply to Thee, my Inner Source... to the Goddess/God within!
I ask you for guidance to walk the path of service to Humankind...
Surround me and those I LOVE in Your Protective Light.
~Yeshe ma
07 JUL 2007
Monday, January 10, 2011
Spirit of the Street
Spirit of the Street
I was fourteen then... I had just left home. I was a bright and sensitive child but my heart was breaking in each day that I lived with my parents. I loved them both very much. It pained me to see my father - to live through his drunken outbursts - to have to stop talking or making noise of any sort after 5 in the evening - to hear him threaten to hurt me my brother or my mother - to hide when the threats became real - to watch each evening at dinner when he would choke on his food and my mother would stick her fingers down his throat to save him - to pick him up when he fell... I couldn’t stay to help my mother take care of him and join her in her prayer that things would change.
We lived in a decent size mid-western state across the Mississippi river from St. Louis and over a town or two... Before the age of 13, and while I questioned what in the world adults were all about, I found what I looked at as love and acceptance from adults other than my parents. Before I even knew that I was in a dangerous situation, I had a needle in my arm... and at 14, I was now a spirit of the streets. I had to learn to get by... there was always a place to stay, there were lots of times when in order to get high with you - people would turn you on - and you could end up there for days at a time. I finally found a group of people who lived in a very dangerous part of town. I was given drugs at every opportunity and I, in turn, did the laundry, the dishes, the housework and became the sole property of one of the men in the house. He was extremely possessive, aggressive and angry. I tried to go back home once but he caught me and beat me badly. He told me he would kill me if I ever tried to go home again. I believed him. He brought me to a house where he locked me in a closet. He left me their - drugged - especially when he would be gone for hours. There were many instances of life/death in my life on a daily basis - gunfights; being left with gun-toting glue sniffers as collateral for a drug deal, using needles that half of the party had already used. I was physically traded to another man who kept me in a room with mattresses on the floor... I was fed what we then called downers, tuinal & seconal, and sold sexually at their whim. I have little memory of what happened in that house. It is all an awful blur.
One thing I didn’t lose was a belief that there was something bigger than all of us out there and this Supreme Being had a watch over me. I mean after all, I was still living and that was a miracle. Enter into my life, a couple of angels. They came to this house in the form of women who cared. I begged them to get me out. I knew I would die if I stayed any longer. They took me out of that house that day and to a safe house. At this house I finally slept a peaceful sleep. By the third morning I woke up hungry and feeling like I had been hit by a truck - the bruises and cuts that had covered my body were beginning to heal and fade. I had taken the first step back (with a little help from some angels).
The week following I called the nearest rehab counselor, someone I had gotten to know in the past several years. I begged him to send me away, somewhere I could get better... I went to one of the first live-in therapeutic houses in the US for people under 18. I went through the program (from cleaning toilets to managing the food and money for the 14 person domicile). It took six months... after then I trained to become a therapist there. I never looked back...
I centered my life from those days in therapy on that spirit inside. That energy that brought me joy and peace within. My life since those days has been a continual journey toward wholeness. A life filled with many ups and downs but always a genuine belief that the bad stuff was an opportunity to find the good in life; to see people with compassion, forgiveness and understanding; to LOVE myself no matter what I was going through. Today I work listening and coaching others to find the will to live and the divinity in each moment that we are alive. I wouldn’t trade this gift of LOVE for my fellow humans Being for having had an easy life. I would never trade it for the LOVE I have found in each and every day. I have been blessed.
Diana Lovejoy (Pen Name)
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